Here' my lil' corner of heaven. The tables, Ott Light, cup holder, trash can and a comfy chair were already waiting for us. There was even a Cricut and a huge library of carts to use, plus a computer and nice printer too.

The view from the stairs coming down to the dining room was so pretty!

Chicken pot pie, mmmmmmmmmm... At each meal the whole table setting was different, the table cloth, place mats, everything.

Dutch babies for breakfast!

Lori and Dolora, and Lori was VERY happy we were having Mexican food :)

Mal was fooling around with my camera lol!

Cheryl and Mal having a 'gun' fight....

Renee, Lori, Me, Cheryl, Gayle, Dolora and Jennifer

Mal hard at work....

Dolora and Jen slaving away!

And one of the highlights of the weekend... Lori very generously donated 2 baskets of scrap goodies to be raffled off and the money would go to my 3day account. We emailed friends and posted it on Facebook, and in just 3 days of selling tickets we raised $394!!!!! A few of the ladies cut up a bunch of scrap paper and stamped the initials of all the ladies that bought tickets....

Renee and Gayle hard at work, folding tickets!

All 394 'tickets'! We drew 2 names, and the winners were Renee and Annemarie!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are the pages I completed...

This was our 'theme' for the whole weekend, and has absolutely nothing to do with the picture, haha! It got silly and more funny as the weekend went, it was hilarious!

Calie, Matty, Kim and I at the 3day Expo last year. It was a 10 mile 'practice' about 3 months prior to the 60 mile event. We stayed in Bellevue the night before, and walked from 7 am to 11:30 or so.

The teacher tag in this one is a swap item.

The school tage is a swap item!

This is my favorite layout of the whole weekend! Thanks Melanie for the monkey, it was perfect ;)

It wasn't until I was taking a pic of this one that I noticed the 'c' was missing, oops!

The cake tag is a swap item.

The pink tag is a swap item...