Here they are!
We stayed in a hotel in Bellevue on Thursday night. We brought some white shower curtains to decorate our tent with and drew all over them with pink, yellow, orange, and green Sharpie pens. It was pretty funny :)

We got up EARLY the next morning to be on the bus to the opening

The hotel provided us with a bag breakfast because it was too early for the continental one!

Our assigned are was tent K 23 and K 24, so we loaded our gear on the K truck. By the time we were ready to go, the trucks wer FULL.

It was pretty chilly and still dark when we got there, so we waited....

This guy had a ribbon shaved in the back of his hair

We waited about 2 hours for the opeing ceremony to start

And finally started walking at about 7:30 AM

First Pit Stop of the day

Lunch day 1

It was HOT!

We were hot and tired so took a bus back to camp after about 16 miles.

Camp, with all our gear unpacked and tents waiting for us

There was a medical tent if anyone needed services

The whole camp turned out for the last walker of the day to reach camp, and they got to raise the camp flag.

Morning of day 2. This was about 1/3 of the tents in this area, and there were 3 tent areas!

Dyona stayed at her mom's house nearby so met us each day at camp.

The Jamba Juice people were so friendly and brought out tray after tray of mini smoothies

This trail was so pretty!

All the way along this road walkers were stretched out for a long ways

At the top of the hill I turned around and took a pic of all the walkers stretched out behind us as well

One of the ladies on (Hi Angie!!) made us a sign along the route. It was so nice! There were signs along the whole way from various people and it was so cool to see one for us!

One of the fabulously decorated 'sweep vans' that patrol the pit stops. They would pick you up between pit stops to get you to a medical area or to the next stop if you wanted.

Lunch day 2

After lunch, we all took the bus back to camp and took care of our sore legs. Dyona and our other friend Lori kept on trucking that day though...

They sent us a text asking to come meet them when they got off the bus, so we fooled around while we were waiting...

Ahhhh, no more sneakers!

Lori and Dyona off the bus, hobbling along! They made farther than we did that day!

This was the dining/common area where we went most of our time

Morning of Day 3

We had semi trailers full of portable showers which had lots of hot water, yay! The last morning we had to take down our tents and load our gear back on the big trucks before it was even light out.

We were bussed to a different location for the start of day 3. It took us over an hour just to get on the bus out of camp.

The girls took a nap on the 1/2 hour ride.

We were on one of the last buses to get to the starting location, so the 'caboose' was behind us. She was a lady on a bike following the last walkers on the route lol.

Almost to the University of WA campus

The UW campus

At the begining of our walk around Greenlake, we stopped at a Satrbucks :)

The walk around the lake was so beautiful, and on such a nice day there were TONS of other people out too.

Around here, we heard the caboose was over a mile behind us, so we weren't the last walkers anymore! We got to see a few turtles

Almost to the next pit stop who do we see behind us??? The caboose, sigh... LOL

When we got to the pit stop it was just closing so they buses us to lunch.

After lunch, I was the only walker left on our team walking for the day.

We were getting closer to downtown Seattle

Almost to the LAST pit stop on the LAST day!!

The last pit stop was also closing when we got there, so I hopped on a bus and they dropped us off about 2 blocks away from the finish so we could walk through all the cheering crouds!

This was the holding area for the finished walkers, and the noise was incredible. Everyone came through the doors and down the stairs and people were clapping and cheering so much. We went through the people and got an event t-shirt and a pink rose. Then we waited for the closing ceremony.

Entering the stadium

Our team on the turf

After it was over we all went up these stairs up and out to find our friends and family.

I took this shot over my shoulder as we were getting to the top of the stairs.

There were alomst 3500 walkers and we raised over 8 MILLION DOLLARS, and I am happy to say that 85% of it goes to Susan G. Komen for the Cure!